8 Podcasts to make you a better web entrepreneur
Friday, 10 April 2009
As an avid podcast listener and somewhat sporadic podcaster, I thought it would be useful to share the top 10 podcasts that I think will make you a better web entrepreneur.
1) This Week In Tech
The original and the best! I have been following Leo Laporte and the gang since Episode 5 and they are now on Episode 189 nearly 3 years later. What is good about TWIT is that not only is it hugely entertaining but it keeps me abreast of all the key developments in internet technology every week. It introduced me to Twitter, Facebook, Hulu, Digg, Spotify, iTunesU, etc months before they appeared in any of the mainstream media and discusses not only the technology itself but also its implications and potential. This is the only podcast that I really miss whenever Leo publishes it a few days late and meeting Leo is one of my life ambitions! You can find out more at TWIT TV.
2) MacBreak Weekly
This is done by the same people who do TWIT but focusses on Mac and Apple technology. Not everyone is lucky enough to have a Mac but I have found Mac technology much easier to use when developing and deploying web solutions, whether it is podcasts, blogs, websites, e-learning, etc. You can find out more at Macbreak Weekly.
3) Boagworld
Of all the web design and web development podcasts I have listened to, this one is the most informative and the most entertaining. Paul and Marcus do a great job covering all the main issues that web developers and web designers need to know and some shows are aimed at beginner level, some at intermediate level and some at expert level, with a particular focus on accessibility. You can find out more at Boagworld.
4) Harvard Business Ideas Podcast
The first 3 podcasts are very much focussed on technology and this one is from Harvard looking at business ideas and opportunities. This is a good podcast for generating business ideas as well at looking at some of the cutting edge developments around business and entrepreneurship. The feed is at RSS feed.
5) Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders
In a similar vein is the Entrepreneurial Thought Leader podcast, this one is from Stamford looking at entrepreneurism and particularly entrepreneurship in technology. The site is at Stanford University podcasts.
6) Venture Hacks
Almost all web entrepreneurs will need investment and this relative newcomer to podcasting is by far and away the best podcast on raising venture capital on the web. It is developed by the people behind Venture Hacks and gives a real insight into venture capital, business angels and raising start-up finance as well as some really practical tips. The site is at Venture Hacks.
7) MacBreak Tech
The final two are Pixelcorps podcasts and very much Mac podcasts. If you don't have a Mac, these are of limited use. MacBreak Tech is a fairly hardcore Mac technology podcast that shows you how to get the most out of your Mac as well as troubleshooting common issues and problems. The feed is at Pixelcorps RSS.
8) MacBreak Work
Finally a new podcast from the Pixelcorps aimed at using business software on the Mac, covering software like Keynote, Pages, etc. The feed is at Pixelcorps RSS.
These are very much my own personal podcasting preferences and provide me with a good 7-9 hours of audio learning every week. I would like to hear what podcasts you use and what your thoughts are on this list
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